Test results

Aug 19th, 2015

Amen & well, crap!

Kaylee’s CBC results came back to us yesterday.All her counts came back perfect. (When someone has the parvovirus, the hemoglobin count is usually affected.) So when the doctor told us the news that her hemoglobin count was great, she followed up with “go ahead and schedule a biopsy of her knee,” so we did.

I just got a call from her doctor a few minutes ago with the results from the virus test! Kaylee is negative for the Parvovirus (which we expected since her CBC was good.) While this is great news, because it means she can attend school, we are still left with a mystery of what is causing this itchy, slowly spreading rash.

Please, PLEASE continue to pray for Kaylee. Tomorrow will be her first day of preschool, (I’m ready with a box of Kleenex) and then she will have a biopsy on her knee at 3:30. (Might need that box of Kleenex for the both of us for that!) Rough day.
Anyone else feel like a 3 year old shouldn’t have this stuff to deal with??! πŸ˜₯
I still trust that God can totally heal this crazy rash before that appt tmwr!!! Obviously, we would prefer miraculous healing & the rash to just vanish!
So we are just going to keep praying! We are praying for a fantastic first day at preschool & total healing! We will also pray for a easy & painless biopsy for Kaylee and to finally get answers from that biopsy!

Thank you all so much for your constant thoughts & prayers… You have no idea how much those prayers mean to our family! I have to say that your prayers have clearly helped with her energy! Today she has been the happiest I’ve seen her in quite a few weeks. (Thank you Lord for that!) Keep those prayers comin!

4 months left of daily chemo! She’s Allllmost done!!

We will keep you updated on how things go!! Until then…….

Jeremiah 29:11


4 thoughts on “Test results

  1. Sending tons of love, lots of prayers and a special hug to the sweetest preschooler we know. Love you Kaylee😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  2. I hadn’t heard for awhile how Kaylee was doing , so glad to hear she is doing well .I will of course keep her in prayer I have never stopped. Good luck to you and your tears on the 1st day.

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